Some Old-Fashioned Things

Summer. It brings so many beautiful things to our lives.

The sweet, smell of freshly cut hay. A thousand twinkling stars in the night sky. Breathing in deeply, the cool night air of summer. Listening to the lonely howl of the coyotes, and gazing at the moon like it’s the last time you’ll see it.

Don’t you just long for the simple little joys that make everyday life a privilege to live? Summer was made for days like this. To take each moment as it comes, and embrace it like the gift from God that it is. To revel in the sweetness of simply being alive. For another day to serve our Savior. Another day to simply notice small things that will bring us a smile.

I’m going to share just a few of those things that I’ve been blessed with this summer.

Note: All pictures are my own and may not be used without my written permission. ©2022

Early summer blossoms that paint our flower gardens with their vibrant hues. They pop out of the background with a vibrancy and life that tells the whole world that it is a joy to live, to breathe, to praise.

Beautiful wild flowers that greet us on our morning walks with family. Laughter that rings out as we talk and make memories, and rejoice in the beauty of creation.

Spending time with the little boys who bring sunshine to your life. Making dandy-lion bouquets with them, and watching their faces light up when they see a butterfly.

Walking with them as they tug you along, intent on taking you for some imaginary adventure, because they’re little kids who were made for summer days. Feeling their tiny little hands holding tightly to your own.

Patriotic music and gatherings. Old Glory soaring on a background of blue, majestically waving and fluttering over the land that I love. Relay races and games at Independence Day celebrations. Warm breezes. Fireworks that light up the sky with their brilliant displays. Hearts that fill with pride at the words of The Star Spangled Banner. Tears that come from remembering the price our freedom has brought.

A birthday picnic. An impromptu walk along a winding creek while the sun sinks in the evening sky. Wild flowers that glow with the warm hues of a summer sunset. Yucca plants that set the stage of rugged prairie beauty. Feeling the rush of the wind in your face, and wanting it to never stop.

A sunny day spent picking cherries. Looking up through the branches of the tree at the vibrant blue sky and clouds floating by.

Lazy summer evenings, sipping sun tea and resting from a long day’s work. Listening to the rustle of the wind through the prairie grass. Fiery night skies that steal your breath away.

There is a quote by Laura Ingalls Wilder that I absolutely love, and think is perfect to round out this week’s post.

A. M. Watson

Hebrews 13:8

8 thoughts on “Some Old-Fashioned Things

  1. Ahhhh, simply gorgeous!!! This perfectly captures all the reasons why I love summer, especially living in the country where I do. Such a good post, Alyssa!! 😀 (And that Laura Ingalls Wilder quote is lovely… I must add that to my commonplace book. 😉 )

    Liked by 2 people

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