Two Year Anniversary + Asking Your Opinions

Happy Saturday, everyone! I know, I’m a day late posting this week, but such is life.

It’s a sunny day in my little corner of the world, which is a breath of fresh air for us after hovering down in the negatives for quite a while.

The snow is lovely though, so I won’t complain. It looks like powdered sugar, covering the evergreens. When the sun hits it, it glimmers like thousands of tiny diamonds.

What’s the weather like for you today?

I realized this week that in the chaos of life, I missed the anniversary of starting my blog earlier this month. Can you believe it has been two years since Seeking The Timeless Anchor got started?

I definitely can’t. So much has changed, including the addition of my RedBubble shop.

(For those of you who haven’t been on my shop recently, I’ve released a few new designs. The design below is my most recent, and I’ll tell ya β€” it was fun to put together. But that probably comes as no surprise to any of you. πŸ˜‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ)

With the start of another year, I wanted to find out from each of you what you would most like to see in my shop and blog going forward! It would be a tremendous blessing if you would take the time to share with me your thoughts. Thank you in advance!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I look forward to what God has planned for us this year as we move forward, Seeking The Timeless Anchor.

A. M. Watson

Hebrews 13:8

7 thoughts on “Two Year Anniversary + Asking Your Opinions

  1. Wow!! It’s already been 2 years!! That’s crazy! It’s been so neat to see how far you’ve come and keep progressing and adding new things! The shop was definitely a great addition!

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