Safe In The Arms Of Jesus// History of the Hymn

Having written over 8,000 songs, Fanny Crosby is perhaps one of the most well known hymn writers in all the annals of Christendom. Her words have inspired, renewed, and refreshed so many souls. Blessed Assurance, He Hideth My Soul, Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior—these are only a few of her most well known songs. Without a doubt, she had a special gift from God in her song writing.

Not as well known as some of her other songs, but just as well written, is the song Safe in the Arms of Jesus.

When Fanny and her husband were expecting their first child, she was elated with the prospect of being blessed with a baby of their own. Of course, being blind, there would be many things to be learned and it would be a growing process for all of them. But in Fanny’s heart she knew it would be worth it.

When the time came for the baby to come though, there were complications and the baby died. Fanny and her husband were devastated with the grief of losing their precious child. How was it possible for their dreams and hopes to be shattered that way? It didn’t seem like it could be. They had so many hopes for their baby—hopes that would never come to be reality. They would never see their baby walk for the first time. Never hear their first word. They’d never watch them grow up. Or listen to the sound of their footsteps padding around the house. The long nights were filled with haunting thoughts of the what-ifs—the what-could’ve-been-but-never-would-be.

One night, while particularly overcome with the grief that consumed her, Fanny was contemplating a special Bible verse.

“The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.”

Deuteronomy 33:27

The particular phrase that caught her eye was the Everlasting arms. It was a comfort to think that her sweet baby was indeed sheltered in the Everlasting Arms of Jesus, safe from all the pain and hurt of this life. In the painful quiet of that evening, she penned the words to the hymn Safe In The Arms of Jesus, specifically thinking of her precious baby.

“Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Safe on His gentle breast,
There by His love o’ershaded,
Sweetly my soul shall rest.
Hark! ’tis the voice of angels,
Borne in a song to me,
Over the fields of glory,
Over the jasper sea.”

Fanny was resting in the peaceful knowledge that her baby was with Jesus. That they were safe from all harm, and that nothing could touch them there. In the second stanza of the song, she elaborated on all of the things that she knew her baby was safe from, and then the things that she too would be safe from when her own life’s journey was over.

“Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Safe from corroding care,
Safe from the world’s temptations,
Sin cannot harm me there.
Free from the blight of sorrow,
Free from my doubts and fears;
Only a few more trials,
Only a few more tears.”

There are so many little ones who never had a chance at life. They were taken to Heaven seemingly too soon in our finite minds. God makes no mistakes though. Each life has purpose. Each life impacts something or someone. Life is a precious thing indeed.

Each day precious little lives are lost—babies who were loved so much, yet went to Heaven before they were born—their families never even getting a chance to meet them; babies who’s lives were stolen by those who view them as not being a life; babies who though born, were taken all too soon.

But every single one of these babies made an impact that echoed through eternity. Each one left an imprint on this world. And likewise, every single precious life is loved in ways we can’t imagine by The One who created them.

Originally this was not were I was going to go this week, but plans change and are changed. This is in memory of the little ones who died before we ever got to meet them. The ones who were safe in the arms of Jesus before we ever even got to hold them.

Some have declared January to be the Sanctity of Life month. I don’t need a specific month to roll around before I can value and appreciate the sanctity of life. The Bible clearly lays out for us how precious life is. Every day should be a day we recognize life’s value, importance, and beauty.

8 thoughts on “Safe In The Arms Of Jesus// History of the Hymn

  1. Wow, that is beautiful! Gives me chills! I don think I know the melody of the song, but I’ve read the lyrics while flipping around in my family’s hymnals. 😀 I’ll have to learn it!

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