The Cost Of Freedom

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.”

America has carried the distinct privilege of being the only nation in the world where freedom has reigned since our inception. For over 200 years, we have enjoyed freedom’s sweet embrace. The word itself is synonymous with America — so much so that sometimes we forget it hasn’t come to us free of charge.

The price paid for our liberty down through the ages of our existence is humbling, to say the least. Once again, as I studied the cost of freedom in preparation for this post, I was left with tears in my eyes and a deep gratitude that cannot be expressed in words.

After doing some research on Americans who sacrificed their lives for their country, I came across a shocking statistic. Out of the 248 years since our inception, America has only been at peace for around twenty years. The other years were spent fighting to keep the freedom we hold so dear. Over 1,500,000 American soldiers have died in combat down through the ages of our history.

This information resonated in my mind as I contemplated how freedom does indeed come with a terrible cost. It is defended and protected with the lives of our soldiers.

Today, remember that someone died so that you can live in peace. Don’t let their sacrifice be in vain. Live worthy of the freedom that has been granted to us.

If you missed the memorial videos from the previous two years, you can find them here.

A. M. Watson

Hebrews 13:8

2 thoughts on “The Cost Of Freedom

  1. Thank you for this post. I will remember! We have lost so many soldiers so that we can have the freedoms that we hold so dear today.

    Wow! I did not know that we have only been at peace twenty years since our founding.


  2. Yes, I have known 2 personally and have had some distant uncles die in WW I and earlier conflicts .

    I try to pass along the passion for remembering. We took 2 of our grandsons, aged 6 and 3, to our local cemetery and taught them the meaning.

    I am grateful for freedom.


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